Aloe: contains 200 principles for beauty

From the skin to the bowels, aloe helps our body in its entirety, thanks to its detoxifying, immunostimulating, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties.

A like Aloe. The new wellness alphabet can start right there. A plant that is increasingly at the forefront of the news, precisely because of its many virtues for our health and our beauty.

The ancient Egyptians called it the plant of immortality , and for Native Americans it was the magic wand of heaven . Aloe vera - the variety of aloe used for its properties - is a "succulent" plant that grows in hot and dry climates. Over 200 active ingredients beneficial to human health have been identified (including minerals, vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, phospholipids, plant hormones, polysaccharides, etc.) of which over 160 only in its leaves, those long swords - or magic wands! - fleshy, bordered with spinets, stuffed with so providential gel.

Skin and summer

Let's start from there: aloe is of great help to the skin, which is why it is increasingly used in creams and body products. After the sun, to moisturize, soothe, refresh, repair and prevent damage caused by the sun and ensure a beautiful & healthy tan, and even in case of sunburn, to calm our "skin" is ideal. The gel from the leaves can be applied directly to the skin - nowadays this plant is also sold in “bunches" of two or three leaves , for example at organic fruit and vegetable distributors. Also for psoriasis and acne it is of great benefit. It stimulates the production of collagen and, in general, can be used instead of moisturizer for the body, face, eye contour for small wrinkles. In a constant pack, it helps improve the appearance of skin with scars or dark spots, and is even good for the hair, before shampooing.

Detox à gogo, starting from the kitchen

The warm season is also a time of purification, of nutrition particularly rich in fresh fruit and vegetables. Of centrifuges and smoothies . Learn to add aloe: let's talk about the gel, which hides behind the hard green skin of the plant and is easily obtained by cutting the leaf in two parts lengthwise and then digging in with a spoon or a knife. The gel is transparent (do not scratch off the whitish layer that separates it from the green) and bitter, so it is good to mix it with sugary fruit, but for the whole body it is a real panacea . It can also be safely blended with ready-made fruit juices, such as orange juice, or in a refreshing lemon and sugar. Or, again, to create a real detox cocktail. Aloe has undeniable detoxifying and antioxidant effects , fighting cellular aging and the free radicals that cause it. Drinking aloe means helping the immune system , to be in balance, to fight viruses and harmful bacteria. But not only.

Anti-inflammatory for the intestinal system

Among the many virtues, aloe also has important benefits. Its anti-inflammatory propertieshelp in particular the intestinal system , those suffering from gastritis, colitis and other types of inflammation. The latex contained in aloe has laxative properties: used in excessive doses, it can cause cramping diarrhea. It is obtained through the incision of the surface of the leaves, which must be placed about ten minutes in a vertical position and made to "drain": the yellowish liquid that comes out is the resin that contains the latex, in fact (eye that does not mix with the gel, if you want to use the latter). Research has yet to verify the alleged anticancer properties of aloe, which in any case certainly helps those who undergo very heavy treatments for the body such as chemo or radiotherapy.

Grow it on the balcony

Aloe vera is very easy to grow , even on the balcony of the house, which would certainly be our ideal supplier. Otherwise, the market is now full of aloe-based products, which should be chosen as pure as possible : for the gel, in addition to aloe, they may contain only the minimum necessary preservatives, such as citric acid or sorbate. potassium. Aloe vera gel easily oxidizes in contact with air and light, losing much of its properties. Engrave the leaves only at the last, therefore, just before using them. Maybe as a secret and special ingredient for your fantasy recipes, starting with a delicious and very healthy homemade aloe ice cream! Preparing it in the ice cream maker is really simple, with the classic milk, cream - even vegetables, sugar (and if you want glucose syrup), to which you add the aloe gel. Those who wish can enrich with egg yolks (or agar-agar) and fruit to taste, for example pineapple, peaches or blueberries.

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