Recipes made in Italy by Italians in Italian. Translated for You with Love

Fried ricotta sheets

Fried ricotta sheets
green sauce ( to taste )
pepper ( to taste )
anchovies ( to taste )
18 oz flour ( 500 g )
1/2 cup whole milk
1 1/2 lemon
peanut oil ( to taste )
salt ( to taste )
2 yolks
3.5 oz ricotta ( 100 g )

Prepare the diugh

Start by sieving the flour into a large bowl; add salt, pepper, some grated lemon zest, and the ricotta. Stir the mix using a spatula, once it reaches a uniform consistency, start to knead with the hands, and gradually pour the milk on it. Move the dough on the pastry board and continue kneading until it turns perfectly homogenous. Shape a ball and wrap it with transparent film, then let it rest for half an hour.

Cook the fried ricotta sheets

Roll out the dough: it must have a thickness of 0.1 inches; then cut the dough into disks with a diameter of 4 inches. Pour the peanut oil in a high-sided pan, when the oil is hot, dip the ricotta sheets a few at a time; fry until they start to turn brown.

Serve your fried ricotta sheets

Drain the fried ricotta sheets and place them on absorbent paper in order to lose the excessive oil. Serve your fried ricotta sheets hot, as an appetizer, matched with some freshly prepared green sauce and some drained anchovies.

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