Mango is the fruit of an Anacardiacea tree grown in tropical areas. It looks like a large drupe of different shape according to its variety (the most important are the Indochinese and Indian ones). The color also varies according to the quality: the Indian type has a slightly acidic flavour and an irregular and rounded shape, with a skin fading from green to yellow and red.
The fruits of the Indochinese variety have sweeter pulp and an elongated as well as flattened shape a yellow-green peel.
Like most tropical fruits, mangoes are available all year round, but their consumption is associated with the summer season. The world's leading mango exporter is Brazil, which, along with Peru, supplies the Italian market until December. In the following months Italy imports it from Central America, Africa and the Mediterranean area (Israel and Spain).
There are different varieties of mango, depending on the origin: Kent, which becomes red when ripe, has a soft and juicy pulp similar to that of peaches, with a sugary taste; Keitt, large and green even when ripe, has a fiber-free, almost creamy pulp; finally Tommy Atkins, characterized by a reddish skin and a fibrous pulp. When purchased, ripe mangoes can be recognized by their softness to the touch. However, mango is quite perishable, so it should be consumed very quickly.
In general it is best to eat the fruit without removing the peel. To do so, cut the mango into 3 slices, eliminating the central one with the core. Then score the pulp with checkerboard cuts and finally push it outwards.