Recipes made in Italy by Italians in Italian. Translated for You with Love

Mini baguettes with ham and cherry tomatoes

Mini baguettes with ham and cherry tomatoes
20 grams butter
450 grams flour
2 teaspoons olive oil
250 grams green olives
100 grams ham
2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon tapenade sauce
12 cherry tomatoes
12 anchovies
1 package brewer's yeast

First prepare the mini baguettes: knead the flour with 250 ml of water, 2 teaspoons of salt, 2 teaspoons of olive oil, sugar and the brewer's yeast; keep kneading until the dough is uniform and soft. Afterwards, grease the dough with olive oil, make a cross over it and cover with a cloth. Let the dough rise for 90 minutes.

Remove the pit from the olives and mince them. After 90 minutes of rising, add the minced olives to the dough and knead it for another 5 minutes. At this point divide the dough in 12 loaves e create the mini baguettes.

Now place the mini baguettes in a baking tray with parchment paper and leave them there to rise for another 30 minutes. Later, grease the baguettes with olive oil and cook them in the oven at 200° for 20 minutes. Once they are ready, cut them in half and spread some butter and tapenade sauce over them. Garnish the mini baguettes with a few slices of tomato, the ham, some anchovies in oil and a leaf of basil.

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