Pear Martin Sec
Also known as the Martina pear , it is an ancient variety of pears grown mainly in Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta, but also in the rest of the Alps (Trentino, Veneto, Friuli). It is recognized for its small size (80-100 g) and the rough and thin rust-colored skin , with a reddish “face” on the side of the sun.
The pulp of the Martin Sec Pear , a bit grainy and not very juicy, is sweet, fragrant and very aromatic, all characteristics make it the “star” of pears to be cooked. In fact, even if the Martina can be eaten fresh - although only 15 - 20 days after harvesting, late in the second half of October - it gives its best in the kitchen and for this reason it is also available already cooked.
Pera Martina is exquisite with red wine , ideal for being in syrup and used for compotes and mustards.