Recipes made in Italy by Italians in Italian. Translated for You with Love


The Sachertorte is the chocolate sweet par excellence. The recipe has Austrian origins, but has quickly become famous worldwide, thanks to its unique flavor.

3 oz almond flour ( 75 g )
3 oz butter ( 75 g )
1.5 oz flour ( 40 g )
3 oz powdered sugar ( 75 g )
4 eggs
9 oz dark chocolate ( 260 g )
3 oz granulated sugar ( 75 g )
1 lemon
4.5 oz fresh cream ( 125 g )
whipped cream ( optional, to taste )
salt ( to taste )

The Sachertorte is one of the most famous cakes in the world, but above all is a classic of the Austrian confectionary. It is a delicious chocolate sweet to be served at the end of the meal or to be enjoyed as a snack on cold days when you need caloric and energetic pampering. The original Sachertorte recipe is jealously guarded in Wien and is not revealed to anyone, but exist thousands of variants and many formats: lower, higher, soft, little, fluffy, glossy… each variant always succeed to conquer everyone: the chocolate flavor is enhanced by the more acid and fruity note of the apricot jam. The Sale&Pepe Sachertorte recipe has a traditional taste, it is made without yeast: we start from a dough made out of butter and sugar, then gradually the necessary ingredients are added, creating a delicious chocolate cake; the cake is stuffed with apricot jam and decorated with the classic chocolate glaze, to create an amazing Sachertorte! It's not difficult to know how to prepare the Sachertorte to perfection, but time and passion are needed! If you love chocolate, you can only love this cake too. So what are you waiting for? Wear the apron and start to prepare the Sale&Pepe recipe: today the Sachertorte will conquer your guests and will make your children happy!

Melt the chocolate

Melt 3 ounces of chopped dark chocolate. Meanwhile, mix in a bowl 3 ounces of almond flour and 3 ounces of sugar. In a different bowl beat 4 egg whites with a pinch of salt.

Create the dough

In another different bowl mix 3 ounces of soft butter with 3 ounces of powdered sugar. Add 4 yolks one by one, and mix each time. Add to the mix the almond flour and sugar previously mixed, by sieving them. Then add the melted chocolate.

Add the egg whites

Gradually add the beaten egg whites, move them from the bottom to the top, in order to prevent them from melting. Add 1.5 ounces of sieved flour, and one untreated lemon zest.

Move the mix to the mold

Pour the mix in a cake mold of 8 inches of diameter, previously buttered and dusted with flour. Level and bake at 360°F for 45 minutes.

Stuff the cake

Let the cake rest for about 10 minutes, then remove it from the oven, and move it on a wire rack; let it cool completely. Horizontally cut in half the cake, stuff the center with the apricot jam, then recompose it, and spread the remaining jam on the surface and on the edges.

Prepare the glaze

In a casserole pot, boil 4.5 ounces of fresh cream, add 6 ounces of dark chocolate, mix it, and then pour it on the cake trying to cover also the edges. Let the glaze solidify for about 60 minutes, and then serve your Sachertorte, if you want, matched by unsweetened whipped cream.

Some tips

During the first 10-15 minutes of baking, leave the oven door slightly open, then close it: the cake reaches the right cooking when lightly pressing with the finger, will be very soft. Never open the oven during the first 30 minutes of baking.

Sachertorte history and tradition

The Sachertorte is generally considered the chocolate cake par excellence. It was proposed for the first time by a very young Austrian chef when he was 16 (his surname was Sacher), and today it is considered a sweet typical of the Austrian tradition. Thanks to its delicious flavor, the Sachertorte has spread throughout the world, and today is well-known and cooked everywhere.

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