Recipes made in Italy by Italians in Italian. Translated for You with Love

The potato gnocchi great taste

The potato gnocchi great taste
Whole milk
Poppy seeds
Potato dumplings

Looking for a quick and original way to cook potato gnocchi? Try this recipe of potato gnocchi great taste with butter and sage, cooked in milk, with the special aroma ...

You can prepare potato gnocchi following your favorite homemade recipe, or you can also buy packaged gnocchi.

To give the potato gnocchi a special flavor, cook them in abundant warm whole milk slightly salted. Use a large pot and constantly check the boiling, because the milk does not overflow. You can remove part of the foam that forms during the boiling of the milk with a strainer or a skimmer.

​When the gnocchi begins to surface, it is the signal that they are cooked at the right point: Toglili from the pot gradually with a strainer.

Put the butter in a pan and let it melt over moderate heat. When it starts to froth, add a few chopped sage leaves and use this mixture to season the gnocchi, stirring well.

Just before serving, sprinkle the gnocchi with freshly roasted poppy seeds in a non-stick frying pan.

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