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Herbal teas that perfume the skin

Herbal teas that perfume the skin

Beneficial, purifying, and above all perfect for perfuming the skin… from within. Here are the most suitable herbal teas: from lavender to rosemary, through cinnamon and mint

From the complexion to the signs of fatigue, our skin tells a lot about us, and is a true mirror of the conditions of our organism. In fact, through the skin we eliminate excess toxins, those we have accumulated with an unregulated diet, due to stress, consuming alcohol or excessive smoking and for this reason, if the load to be disposed of is too high, even the fragrance of the our skin is affected.

Sweat itself is not only a thermoregulator, but one of the most useful ways for the body to expel toxins through the skin. This is why, in the event that the body does not suffer from specific diseases involving kidneys, liver or intestines, natural foods and in particular herbs come to the aid by helping to modify the odors emanating from the skin. And among herbal teas, but also infusions and decoctions, there are many drinks particularly recommended to perfume the skin starting from the inside.


Peppermint or mint, mint in all its meanings is one of the most valid perfuming allies of our skin. This aromatic herbaceous plant much loved and also appreciated in the kitchen, offers an intense aroma and a bright green color and contains, in addition to the characteristic menthol, many nutrients useful for our body: minerals such as iron, manganese, copper, and more sodium, calcium and vitamins. The herbal tea made from dried mint leaves or the infusion with fresh leaves are an excellent aid to perfume the skin after poor digestion and combat the unpleasant effect given by bad breath. Those who do not like to drink it can also use the same herbal tea instead of mouthwash.


The very name of this plant contains its benefit: in ancient times this fragrant shrub was used to wash the body inside and out. The tradition is always valid: this aromatic herbaceous plant has calming and relaxing properties and is a natural antibacterial, used to fight bad breath and for flatulence and lack of appetite. For this reason, the consumption of an herbal tea with its dried flowers placed in boiling water can help to rebalance the strong odors emanating from the human body and to perfume the skin and organism. One more idea? Grow a small vase of lavender on the terrace, to color the environment, perfume it and be able to directly pick the flowers needed to prepare the herbal tea.


The Indian tradition of using spices to heal the skin is also an excellent starting point in the search for healthy drinks to perfume it. Cinnamon, in powder or in sticks, is one of the most recommended spices to give off a sweet scent (but ginger is also a valid ally). Once again, this spice has excellent digestive properties and by helping the internal organs it also manages to perform an anti-odorant action on the dermis. Cinnamon is also excellent for flavoring other herbal teas, and has a curious property for the female world: it is said to be a natural aphrodisiac as it stimulates estrogen.

The right mix (and the right precautions)

In addition to the drinks already mentioned, in nature and according to the seasons it is possible to vary the tastes of the herbal teas consumed, alternating other equally "fragrant" foods for our skin: anise and fennel, pineapple and mango, lemon, lemon balm and verbena, up to rosemary with a thousand beneficial properties for skin and hair are just a few examples. However, remembering that the precautionary principle always applies to all herbal teas: never consume them in case of precise allergies or overt intolerances, and pay close attention to the most stimulating ones in the case of breastfeeding or pregnant women.

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