Recipes made in Italy by Italians in Italian. Translated for You with Love

Praise of breakfast
38720525 - top view. smiling young couple having breakfast in bed.

The first meal of the day is a real panacea for the harmony of the couple and the family. As well as being crucial for health of course. A few rules on how to best deal with it. All-round.

Starting the day right is essential. For psychological well-being, for couple's balance and for the nutritional contribution of this crucial meal. Tackling breakfast well is therefore a golden rule that intercepts various disciplines, following the motto of the famous Latin phrase mens sana in corpore sano .

The opinion of the (various) experts
Valerio Celletti
- psychologist, psychotherapist and sexologist - and Luca Piretta - gastroenterologist nutritionist and professor at the Campus Bio Medico University of Rome - are the experts who distribute valuable advice in the small guide on the perfect breakfast for the couple promoted by Iocominciobene ( click here ), the blog that Aidepi (Association of the Italian sweet and pasta industries) dedicates to the first meal of the day. "I start well" it is in fact a campaign supported by AIDEPI ( Association of the Italian sweet and pasta industries) , first association center of the national food sector with the aim of promoting the value of the "good" first Breakfast through the sharing of stories, curiosities, information that see the first meal of the day as the protagonist, essential for proper nutrition. All the secrets to start the day in the best way together looking at the mind and body: from the tricks to amaze the other to the right breakfasts based on age up to the healthiest but also tasty products to put on the table (or on the bed) .

Couple's breakfast
Celletti obviously looks at the psychological side of breakfast, noting how important it is to give oneself time, and offers valuable advice to the couple and the family. Are you a couple "each at home "? So why not invite your partner to have this meal together? The text message and even the old paper letter are fine, as Valerio Celletti suggests. The essential thing is that it is a full-blown invitation, as you would do with dinner. With the difference that the last meal of the day often carries the emotional load of the day, with the risk of polluting the time of the meal. While in the morning it is cooler, empty and available. Much better than the traditional dinner therefore for the intimacy of the couple. "If the evening can drag along the thoughts accumulated during the day, the morning offers an opportunity that is often not seized - explains Valerio Celletti - It is very common to tend to live in anticipation of the future, while it is important to give oneself daily." Here then is that breakfast becomes an important moment to rediscover the couple's understanding, a first meal "that takes its time and helps to rediscover the pleasure of being amazed by small gestures and attention". Then there are couples who live together, perhaps with children , and then in this case breakfast can be a surprise, perhaps in bed, carving out a space of its own and breaking the routine: "an opportunity to wake up your partner in a way warm, playful and sensual - comments the psychologist - but the tray will not materialize by itself and one of the two must take the initiative. But very little is enough: you don't need to bake pancakes or pancakes like in American movies, but to amaze your partner you can use a simple trick. Hide everything you need in the bedside table or in a wardrobe: tray with biscuit box, rusks, jams or spreads, cups and cutlery. In the morning you just need to add some coffee and milk and that's it. "

What to eat
But the first meal also has a strong nutritional value. It is the moment in which you can, indeed must, consume carbohydrates. And then cereals, berries and even a small protein intake are fine, which would be ideal if represented by milk. Yes to yogurt, biscuits, baked goods and seasonal fruit, but also keep in mind that if you have to transgress, this is the most harmless time to do it. In short, if chocolate must be in the early morning. To make the menu for a special breakfast more delicious, it is allowed and even recommended to add chocolate. “It has a series of effects on the central nervous system - explains the nutritionist - in fact it has substances that cause a sort of euphoria and stimulate well-being hormones such as serotonin and beta endorphins, which give pleasure". For a good start and for two.

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