Sandwich or not sandwich? Salads, soups, omelettes and much more. Here's how to compose your child's lunch at school. And about yourself in the office!
Perhaps the dark times in which there was no food passage between home and school are now behind us: the "schiscetta" - or mess tin, or bowl - is cleared through customs, although not always and not everywhere. Not only that: sometimes the food also passes in the opposite direction, from school to home, when the children eat in the canteen, but then they take away the doggy bag .
If the majority of children eat breakfast at home - that if it is good it brings excellent marks! - only some from home also bring lunch. Those who do, generally do it in the name of savings but also of superior quality . So you need to have very clear ideas about the meal to give your children: something that is quick, practical and usable, something that is not too expensive and something that is very healthy, much more than the meals eaten at school. In short, not easy.
And the big ones ??? Well, if on a caloric level you have to stay maybe a little more quiet, you can't mess with quality at any age! The following rules therefore apply to everyone.
Sandwich: always "fresh" bread and nutritious ingredients
If you opt for the classic sandwich, in the meantime it must be said that industrial toast bread, full of harmful preservatives, should be avoided. If you don't have the time to buyfresh bread every morning, you can stock up and freeze half-cut loaves or sliced bread . Maybe after storing them a bit to make it healthier ... (if the bread is of quality, it lasts). In the morning the sandwich is stuffed and wrapped in foil. The bread will defrost in time for lunchtime and will be as soft as freshly baked . And now the ingredients. In the meantime, let's start with the bread itself: opt for organic and try to avoid white flour , depleted of nutrients and full of harmful chemicals. There are breads of spelled, rye or ancient grain flours , which really nourish. [rebelmouse-image 25508432 alt = "167541" original_size = "1500x1000" expand = 1] And then the filling. With ham it is often appreciated by children (and usually also by adults!). Healthy, low in calories, rich in protein and ready to use. An example? Fill the sandwich with a few slices of raw ham , a salad leaf, a little ricotta or mozzarella and some tomato . A nutritious, genuine and really tasty sandwich. But it is not necessary to use - let alone abuse - cured meats. Remember that along with the cheese you can put nuts and other nuts , whole or in the form of butter, which are appropriately energetic for children and a real must for health . And speaking of butters: they are not all the same! Never forget vegetables, both cooked and raw. A popular savory variant is then represented by the sandwich with the omelette . Definitely cheap, nutritionally complete and more practical than you think. Just make small omelettes made with eggs, milk, cheese and a pinch of salt, not too thick, thin like omelettes, and stuff our sandwich. Not to mention that the omelette is a hymn to recycling. And, last but not least, there is also the sweet variant, first of all the chocolate one , to embellish lunch, especially for the child, with a dessert ...
Not just cold meals
[rebelmouse-image 25508433 alt = "165095" original_size = "1500x1000" expand = 1] If transported in the right container, instead of a sandwich there can also be a soup or a soup, in short, a hot meal . Even better if there is a microwave oven at school or office to heat it. Do you want to know 5 tricks for the perfect baby bag? Find them here ! In any case, savory pies and the like are perfect , from quiches to the legendary meatloaf. Of course, you must have the desire to cook, but once these foods are baked they also have good resistance over time. Not to mention that they can then be proposed again for dinner, for the whole family. And freeze for the next schiscetta. Even the vegetables , perhaps grilled, are suitable for a take away lunch. And then green light for pasta and rice salads with all the variations of the case. To be prepared first, of course. Another thing: between when the water starts to boil and when the egg is cooked it can take about a quarter of an hour. But the hard-boiled egg will repay you for your patience by giving your son back all the completeness of a meal. And all the low-calorie nutrition to you! Very transportable, light, friable, nutritious and good. He has them all. Watch out for technique: it's on the black list of simple dishes that are always wrong !
The container and the right approach
Then there are some precautions that apply to every dish and season. First: the container is strategic . The Japanese are masters in bringing lunch from home and the Japanese-style schiscette are called bento , carried in the traditional "bento box", an airtight container with separate compartments to accommodate the different dishes. On the market there are colorful and funny ones, perhaps with cartoon characters. Pay attention to the material you choose! Second: As in all things, it is important to involve the children in the preparations . It is the final touch: the more the little ones feel like protagonists, the greater their propensity. Then think if they help prepare lunch for mom or dad too |