Why it is important to eat seasonal fruit and vegetables

Nutrition is healthier and more balanced if we choose foods that are aligned with the rhythms of nature. And, importantly, seasonal fruit and vegetables have more taste
Tomatoes on any date on the calendar, orange juice in August - nice ice-cold, please! - and, now that it's spring, God forbid there weren't already the aubergines in the oven. Nowadays, almost everything is available all year round: so why deprive yourself of tomatoes in the winter, oranges in the summer, or peppers in the spring?
We all now know the importance of daily consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables: the famous "5 portions" - 7 to extend life - But we no longer pay attention to seasonality, which actually applies to many foods, for example, for fish. For fruit and vegetables, it becomes a priority, and let's not be confused by the fact that now even organic agriculture offers vegetables and fruits that are not in season: this is not the case for biodynamic agriculture, which is really linked to the cycles of the Earth and pays attention to the concept of "vitality" of food.
Yet it is not only biodynamic agriculture that supports it, but the whole of science (and the Veronesi Foundation, which supports research and scientific dissemination, primarily in the oncology field, underlines it): the fruits and vegetables are grown and matured in the own soil have a greater nutrient richness than those not grown in their own environment. And so it is for all the non-seasonal vegetables and fruit that the market offers us: it is grown in greenhouses. The alternative is that you arrive from distant places where the seasons are different from ours, with an onerous journey and all that it entails in terms of environmental damage and damage to health: the more time passes from the moment of collection to that of consumption, the more they disappear: some nutrients, vitamins in the first place.
Not only that: to deal with distant transport and sale, vegetables - let's think of tomatoes - and even more so the fruits, are harvested very prematurely, with the result of not fully developing neither the nutritional nor the taste potential: you have noticed that fruits and vegetables don't know anything anymore, do they?!? It happens too often. Of course, this is also due to other factors: the use of synthetic chemicals in cultivation, such as nitrogen fertilizer, which means that the liquid part of the vegetable increases enormously: larger leaves, but with little flavor. But the loss of the latter is certainly part of the cause: if we pick a fruit of the earth in the season in which it has foreseen it to grow, and we collect it at its right point of ripeness - that is, at the point where the Earth has foreseen it to be eaten, the nutritional and organoleptic properties are naturally at the top. Several scientific studies now demonstrate this.
And in fact, nature also provides the right fruit and vegetables in the right season: for example, in spring, time for our body to shake off the heaviness and toxins accumulated in winter and prepare for the summer, naturally detox vegetable herbs arrive. Remineralizing such as radishes, agretti or friar's beard, and of course asparagus, or dandelion (or dandelion). Even at the caloric level, nature provides lighter and more consistent foods when it is the right season to receive more or fewer reserves and energy.
There are other elements to take into consideration: when a plant is forced to grow and bear fruit in a season that is not its own, it always tends to be weaker, less vital, and resistant, and this translates into a fact: more treatments to protect it. Of attacks and parasites, that is more pesticides & c that reach you and then to us. And again: seasonal fruit and vegetables are cheaper! If this is not the case - that is, if tomatoes are cheap even in winter - we must really worry...
Finally, let's not underestimate the variety factor: does the concept of tasteless tomato and courgette + green bean and pea frozen 365 days a year tell you something? It is important to vary the foods we consume, and if we follow the seasons, we necessarily do it more. It can help us subscribe to a convenient weekly delivery of fruit and vegetables at home from local producers: now there are many possibilities worldwide. It is worthwhile to inquire (and check that they only supply seasonal fruit and vegetables)! Because the conclusion is simple: being aligned with the rhythms of nature of which we are a part can only nourish us better and more. And trust your taste buds: if a fruit or vegetable has no taste, what taste is there?!?